University of Burgos (UBU)

University of Burgos (UBU)-ICCRAM is a privileged training and innovation core, integrating a research center for Innovation and Research in Industrial Technology (CITI), a new Excellence International Center in Critical Raw Materials for Industrial Technologies (ICCRAM), leaders in industrial innovation boosting 7 agreements with international industry in the last year.
UBU-ICCRAM hosts an industrial associated board of 17 companies and SMEs, involved in our PhD training system. We are also part of the regional (CBECyL, CYLSOLAR) and the National (SERCOBE) industrial clusters. UBU-ICCRAM, Knowledge and training is also strongly directed to acquire intellectual property rights for patents (45), granting licenses, or joint services for solving business problems and creating spin-off/start-up companies (13) as a by-product of research activities.

UBU-ICCRAM will involve in SOLUTION:

  • experts on multiscale modelling and computational integrated engineering of materials and friction at all levels;
  • a group expert on advanced Materials design;
  • a last generation lab on Nanotoxicity that will carry out training on eco-compatibility, and toxicity assessment of materials.

Role In the Project

